About the Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is a tour of three of Iceland’s most popular attractions, Thingvellir, the Geysir, and Gulfoss.

Where the golden circle is:
The golden circle is a driving route and several destinations in Iceland.  While there are many variations, the most common trip by far includes Geysir, Gulfoss and Thingvellir.


Gulfoss Waterfall on the Golden Circle




How to see the Golden Circle:

Renting a car and doing it yourself provides freedom of schedule as its major upside.  The downsides are expense, missing out on some of the tour guides knowledge and depending on whether you’re considering a Golden Circle excursion (bus) or a 4×4 Golden Circle tour, well the latter isn’t possible as a DIY drive!  So, it’s a personal preference really.

Tours come in a few flavors, bus excursions or 4×4 tours.  The former is less expensive but less exclusive; the latter is more expensive but much more luxurious and you’ll get to see Iceland’s backcountry and go (way) off the beaten path where buses and cars just can’t go.  For a great 4×4 Golden Circle tour, try IcelandRovers.is.  For an Iceland Excursion, including the Golden Circle excursion, try IcelandicTravelMarket.is (ITM).  ITM is located in downtown Reykjavik and can also handle bookings for the 4×4 tour (and any other Iceland Tour).

Golden Circle Tips:
Things to bring
Photography tips